Calibration Products

Made for efficient control and adjustment of the Nilochecker probes

Even the finest equipment needs to be controlled and sometimes adjusted. All our probes have a digital processor that stores calibration data internally. This is why you can continue to work with the NiloChecker, even if a probe is sent for calibration.

Same simple procedure for all probes

One simple adaptor for all probes

Though Nilotech offers calibration service, all our sensors can be calibrated by your local distributor or calibration provider. A universal adaptor is available to control or adjust any NiloChecker probe.  More details below.

Gas calibration made easy

With the calibration cap it is easy to calibrate  the DG112- CO2 /O2 probe for the NiloChecker. The Calibration cap is a transparent Silicone cap fitting around the top of the DG 112. By using the cap, calibration can be done quickly  and precise. 

Software for calibration

The intuitive calibration software guides  technicians through a control or calibration procedure of any Nilotech measurement probe. 


Why Calibration

What is calibration and why is it needed

All electronic components and sensors change properties over time. This is called drift. Though Nilotech only uses the highest quality components and sensors, the drift may result in less precise measurements over time.

Fortunately, all probes have been manufactured so they can be compensated for the drift.  During calibration, the output from the probe is compared to a precise reference. Compensation values may be programmed into probe to compensate for the drift.

How often must probes be calibrated

The calibration interval, which is the time between each calibration, depends on the type of probe. Some are more stable over time than others. Typical calibration interval is 12-24 months.

The calibration date and a calibration interval has been programmed into the probe memory by Nilotech.

The calibration house can change this interval and may propose do so, if they see large drift.

Nilotech offers traditional calibration where you get a reminder about when to submit your probe to Nilotech and we return your probe after calibration.

Calibration products

An adaptor will be needed to control or adjust any NiloChecker probe. The Adaptor connects the probe to a Windows PC. Our adaptor can be used with any NiloChecker probe and the intuitive calibration software.

Download  Calibration Instructions 

Order no: 115s001

With the calibration cap it is easy to calibrate  the DG112- CO2 /O2 probe for the NiloChecker. The Calibration cap is a transparent Silicone cap fitting around the top of the DG 112. By using the cap, calibration can be done quickly  and precise.

Order no: 115s002

The most important aspect of calibration is to have access to precise references.  Nilotech offers reference gasses from Calgaz in 0.9 l cylinders. We supply a 99,999 %N2 gas  for 0-calibration and a 5%O2/6%CO2 for span calibration.

Each bottle contains 34l compressed gas for approximately 40 calibrations

Order no: 115s003 (includes one of each bottle)

A precise regulator for the Calibration gas bottles. This regulator gives a constant flow at 0,5 l/min. which ensures correct flow through the calibration cap. (part no. 115s002) 

Order no: 115s004

Replacement Oxygen (O2)sensor for Nilotech:

DG112 CO2/O2 probe

DG122 Flow-through CO2/O2 probe.

Estimated lifetime: 2years. 

Order no: 112sp001.

Replacement Oxygen (O2)sensor for Nilotech:

DG126 CO2/O2 probe with pump

Estimated lifetime: 2years. 

Order no: 126sp001.

Calibration Services

All Nilotech digital temperature sensors are delivered factory calibrated with an uncertainty of +/- 0,1°C.

In addition we offer accredited calibration of  temperature sensors by an external accredited lab.  Uncertainty +/- 0.02°C

Part no:

Accredited calibration of 1 temperature sensor: 113s002.

Accredited calibration of 2 temperature sensors: 113s003.

Accredited calibration of 5 temperature sensors: 113s006.

Sample calibration certificate.

Gas probe calibration is done by exposing the probe to a known and precise gas. This gas is called a Calibration- or Reference-gas.

Nilotech uses reference gas from the AirLiquide or Calgaz. 

Your local Nilotech distributor can calibrate your Nilotech gas probe by using same methods and materials as we use during the factory calibration procedure.

Download the instruction on how to use the adaptor and probe calibration software.

Download the probe calibration software for all Nilochecker measurement probe.


The New all-in-one instrument. Guides you through control and calibration of critical equipment in your laboratory.